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Part 3: Diving Deeper into the Role of Human Connection Between Providers & Patients

Introduction to the Role of People in Healthcare

In Part 2, we discussed the importance of power of connection and how people, processes, and technology rely on one another. In this article, we dive deeper into the specific role that providers have in the power of connection, especially in fostering positive patient outcomes.

The Role of Social Support

The power of connection in healthcare must first start with providers. For instance, it’s no doubt that humans are social beings that seek out connections. Therefore, it’s also no surprise that patients will want to seek out connections in healthcare as well. This is why providers must develop positive and empathetic connections with their patients. Furthermore, social connections have been shown to improve one’s recovery and disease management [1]. For instance, one study showed that people with supportive social connections develop less severe symptoms when they have a cold [1].

Furthermore, even cancer patients showed significant improvement regarding aesthetics and overall mental health when they had social support [1]. Therefore, although care plans typically include lifestyle changes and medications, another big part of the recovery process is having social interactions. Thus, social support plays an important role in the well-being of patients and provides an easier pathway to healing.


Importance Of Relationships Between People

Although patients often seek out providers based on their qualifications and expertise, they will more than likely contemplate keeping their providers based on their relationship with them. For instance, physicians who are warm and empathetic are preferred over providers who are impersonal, cold, and treat patients as inferior [1]. Furthermore, the interaction between providers and patients helps develop trust and patient satisfaction [1]. This in turn will lead to increased patient engagement, and patients will be more likely to adhere to their treatment plans. Furthermore, providers who are more empathetic help patients feel less anxious, which in turn leads to better outcomes [1]. Therefore, there is a link between patient-provider relationships and patient outcomes.

The Role of People in Increasing Patient Retention and Engagement

The connection between patients and providers drives increased patient retention and engagement. Furthermore, patients who feel dissatisfied often seek out new providers who can provide personalized care [2]. Ways to improve patient engagement include increasing communications with patients. This means taking a few minutes to check in with patients and promoting monthly communication [2]. This also improves patient loyalty and ensures that patients are accountable for adhering to their care plans. Additionally, this can help catch worsening symptoms, and enable timely intervention [2].

Another way to increase engagement and retention is by helping patients access transportation and community resources when needed [2]. For instance, some medications may require food to be taken, however, not all patients have access to food [2]. Furthermore, patients who require weekly or monthly check-ins but lack transportation may delay their care. Therefore, it’s important to connect patients with the resources they need to manage their health effectively.


The Importance of Power of Connection Between Providers and Patients

Overall, the intricate relationships between providers and patients have an impact on the healing process that patients experience. Although the role that people have in healthcare may be overlooked for other components like technologies and processes, delivering human-centered care starts with people. Therefore, fostering positive provider-patient relationships must be taken seriously. The transformative power that human connection has allows for increased patient retention, engagement, and overall well-being. Therefore, cultivating empathy, trust, and open communication can pave the way for patients to feel heard, seen, and empowered to be engaged in their healthcare journeys. Ultimately, fostering compassion and collaboration enables positive health outcomes.


HITS provides healthcare management services & works with doctors to develop health informatics tools that promote safe and secure care. We take pride in our services and settle for nothing other than 100% quality solutions for our clients. Having the right team assist with data sharing is crucial to encouraging collaborative and secure care. HITS also focuses on transforming health care by analyzing integrated medical solutions and evaluating information systems. Our goal is to enhance individual and population health outcomes, improve patient care, and strengthen the clinician-patient relationship.


  1. https://herohealth.com/blog/healthcare/human-connection-patient-journey/
  2. https://www.chartspan.com/blog/ways-to-increase-patient-retention-with-ccm/#:~:text=Patient%20retention%20is%20one%20of,and%20higher%20quality%20of%20care
Categories: Professional / Organization Development,